Welcome to Lewis Liberty Ledger,

A captivating digital haven curated by the esteemed Dr. Aaron Lewis—an acclaimed author, visionary entrepreneur, compassionate humanitarian, and astute political commentator

Welcome to Lewis Liberty Ledger, compassionate Humanitarian and Astute Political Commentator

Who is Dr. Aaron Lewis

Welcome to Lewis Liberty Ledger, a captivating digital haven curated by the esteemed Dr. Aaron Lewis—an acclaimed author, visionary entrepreneur, compassionate humanitarian, and astute political commentator. Prepare to immerse yourself in a symphony of liberty, as we explore Dr. Lewis’s noble past battles for freedom and his enlightening present perspectives on the cherished ideals that define the United States of America.

Dr. Lewis, a relentless advocate for justice, resolutely takes aim at those who abuse their political positions, exposing the nefarious underbelly of power. With a globe-trotting résumé spanning over 60 countries, his unwavering mission has been to effect meaningful change on a global stage.

Having fearlessly contested political office twice—first as a valiant candidate for Mayor of Hartford, CT in 2019, and later as a visionary contender for the esteemed Governorship of Connecticut in 2022—Dr. Lewis’s conviction remains steadfast: Freedom, the lifeblood of humanity, must be fiercely protected.

Lewis Liberty Ledger, the veritable tapestry of emancipation.

Lewis Liberty Ledger, the veritable tapestry of emancipation. As you delve into its eloquent pages, discover not only the vibrant tapestry of liberty within the United States of America but also the profound impact of our actions or inactions on the global stage. Dr. Lewis, a sage guide on this odyssey, ensures that the sacred flame of Liberty is perpetually upheld.

Dr Aaron Lewis Liberty Ledger
Fearlessly contested political office twice
Globe trotting resume over 60 countries

Let the symphony of liberty commence.

In the words of the venerable John Adams, “But a Constitution of Government, once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever.” These timeless words echo through the corridors of history, serving as an eternal reminder of the fragility and sanctity of our individual freedoms.

Embrace this opportunity to join Dr. Aaron Lewis on his unwavering quest to safeguard liberty, empower the masses, and provoke thought-provoking discourse. Moreover, prepare to be captivated by the boundless wisdom contained within the resplendent pages of Liberty Ledger.

Together, let us forge a future where liberty reigns supreme—a future that propels Dr. Lewis onto the grand stage, illuminating millions with his profound perspectives on freedom.

Let the symphony of liberty commence.

Liberty Lens

A Tale of Two Sandras: Above the Law And Below The Law

The juxtaposition of two women named Sandra, Sandra Doorley and Sandra Bland, highlights profound disparities in law enforcement and justice...

Upholding the Constitution: A Foundation for National Progress

In the heart of American democracy lies a document that has weathered the test of time, not merely as a...

From Black Codes to the Patriot Act: Revealing the Ongoing Battle for Civil Liberties in America

The USA PATRIOT Act was enacted in response to the tragic events of September 11, 2001, with the purported goal...

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Press and Publications

[VIDEO] Dr. Aaron Lewis – Attack On Free Speech

Host L Todd Wood speaks with Dr. Aaron Lewis, pastor, politician, free speech activist, on how minority communities are shifting political allegiance...


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